Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tiny Town

Tiny Town is exactly what it sounds like; a tiny town of miniature buildings constructed in c. 1915 to entertain children.  Tiny Town is located about 4 miles from our house, so we knew it was inevitable that we would end up there.
World Famous Tiny Town

The marketing juggernaught behind Tiny Town claims this place is "World Famous"  which I sorta have to wonder about.  Is there a federal agency that verifies these claims?  Seems like there should be.  Anyway, Tiny Town is without a doubt Nationally famous, thanks to MSNBC picking up the hilarious story  of last year's tiny train derailment (must have been a slow news day).  Apparently 15 people were injured so I suppose I shouldn't joke about it, but if you've ever seen this train--and how slow it moves--you can't help but laugh.

Death Train!

Much of the original Tiny Town is truly tiny, and therefore pretty boring.  But the newer buildings are big enough for kids to go inside, and Logan really got a kick out of this.
Kate & Logan at Tiny Town

Logan belting out his favorite aria

Logan operating the Wind Mill

Logan where he belongs; in the Tiny Town Jail
It didn't take long for us to tire of the tiny houses.  There was a decent playground but the slides were all really hot, and Logan did a great job of showing off his growing vocabularly (he knows more than 30 words) by saying "hot, hot" every time we put him on a slide.  Now we're trying to teach him "warm" but I think that's going to take some time.  Better to err on the safe side anyway.

We could no longer delay our rendesvous with the death train.  Fortunately we love danger so we were pretty fired up to get on this train that had claimed so many victims at 2 mph.
Kate tries to contain her anxiety about the death train

These are the people responsible for ensuring we don't derail while cornering at speeds approaching 2 mph.

All aboard!


Kate screams in terror as we approach the treacherous corner
Logan reacted to the Death Train about the same way he reacted to countless rides at Disney World.  Somewhere between general dis-interest and annoyance.  We figured this would be a good test of when Logan is ready to go to Disney World again.  When he thinks this train is fun, we might consider taking him to a real amusement park.
Logan thrilled by the Death Train

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