Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Peek A Boo!

Some games never get old.  Take for example, our favorite game, "I'm Thinking of a Color".  This game is guaranteed to bring a smile to everyone's face.  Whenever Kate is feeling down, or bored during a long car trip, I just let her know that I'm thinking of a color.   She responds "Is it Magic Spell", I say "Yes it is" and we move on with our mundane lives. [Ed. Note: Magic Spell is the color of our master bedroom.  Nobody ever guesses Magic Spell, which makes it the perfect color for 'I'm Thinking of a Color']

Anyway, one of Logan's favorite games is to play with the pots and pans while Kate is cooking.  Its really important for Logan to have something to do while Kate is cooking.  Otherwise I wouldn't be able to watch TV during this time.  So often when Kate starts cooking we will open several of the child-proofed cabinets so that Logan can drag out his favorite pots and pans and proceed to bang them together making all manner of horrible noises.  Fortunately Kate got me these wireless headphones for watching TV so Logan's pot-banging doesn't detract too badly.

A couple weeks ago while Kate was cooking, and I was wathcing TV, someone noticed that it was oddly quiet despite all the pots and pans scattered across the floor.  Logan was nowhere to be found...

The scene of Logan's mysterious disappearance

Eventually we heard a ruckus coming from one of the cabinets.  Logan had crawled compltely inside (not unheard of) but then managed to close the door behind him.  And thanks to the child-proof clips, he couldn't get out.
Logan caught in his own trap

We found this endlessly amusing, so now we put him in there whenever we need some peace and quiet so I can watch TV while Kate does the chores (just kidding.   But seriously, we do*).

(*Just kidding)


  1. Its important to know that "I'm thinking of a color", and all guesses about what the color might be, must be sung. It goes C-F-D, where all the words are sung on C, and then the last 2 syllables are sung on F-D. (I figured it out on the piano to be sure, so everyone else can properly partake in this great game.)

  2. Sounds like a terrific solution to me- He thinks its a game and you get some time -win win :)
