Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Camping Again?! (sigh)

It seems like we just can't get enough camping.  The first trip wasn't horrible so apparently that seemed like a good enough reason to go again.  This time we were resolved to not camp in the rain, and fortunately the weather cooperated.  We chose a nice spot less than an hour from home--so that we could bail at the first rain drop.  It was redneck paradise, with generators running all night long, ATVs and motorbikes zipping up and down the dusty road, and people chopping down aspen trees with hatchets.

Kate walking with Logan near our site.

All told it was a nice mellow experience.  We went on a couple of hikes and a short mountainbike ride (made shorter by a broken chain that I managed to fix with my leatherman tool right up until it broke again).  There was a fire ban but we were able to roast marshmellows on our propane stove.

Our campsite

We ate some delicious fish tacos with chips and guacamole.  Logan has trouble reaching into the bag of chips due to his short arms.  Always inventive, his solution was to turn the bag upside down and dump all the chips onto the ground.  I've seen him do this a couple of times at home, but it never occured to me he would do it outside.  He doesn't seem to understand the difference.  He was perfectly happy eating the chips off the ground, as was his now-even-better-friend Buddy.  Even the local chipmunks got in on the fun.

Logan helping put the chips back in the bag, but the damage was done.

We had to cut our trip short in the morning to go on a play date with Logan's friends Aila, Lucian and Quinn.  We went on a short hike in Golden and then had a picnic at Aila's house.
Logan with his new obsession; dandelion puff balls (official term)

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