Monday, April 28, 2014

Amelie- 10 months

At 10 months, Amelie says "hi" and "Dada".  The "hi" sounds like "hi" or "hey," and I'm pretty sure it means that.  The "Dada" might just be babbling, but I'm giving her credit for it.  She loves her Daddy, and gets a huge grin every time she sees him, so its no surprise that that's her first word.  (Although Kenny's pretty sure it would have been Kenny, if Kenny weren't such a hard sound for babies.) Still no crawling, but she's getting closer, often getting on to all fours or at least 2 hands and one knee as she stretches to reach things.  She wants to get into everything.  She has no teeth but manages to eat most things anyways. Her best trick is clapping... we're working on waving hello and goodbye. She thinks peekaboo is hilarious.  She likes hiking in the backpack and swinging in the backyard. She sleeps through the night, most nights. Her nicknames are Pea, Little and A.

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