Sunday, September 11, 2011

Eight Months

At 8 months, Logan has his first tooth! It’s the lower left one, and it arrived today on his 8 month birthday. We’ve been waiting a long time for that tooth. I was so excited when I felt it-- we wrestled him down and held him upside down and did all sorts of ridiculous things to try to get him to move his tongue so we could see it. When the sighting was confirmed by all three of us (me and Mark and Kendall) there was much cheering and we paraded him around the house on Mark’s shoulders. Oh the excitement of a tooth.

Logan is not crawling yet, but he’s getting closer. He has various ways of getting around—he inches himself forward in a sitting position by rocking back and forth, he rolls pretty effectively, and he pivots around on his giant tummy. He’s able to get onto all fours now, but he hasn’t figured out what to do once he’s there. Logan still wakes up a couple times each night, but he has technically slept through the night (6 hours) twice this past week… I’m hoping the trend will continue.

Logan’s communicating more these days— not with words, but it’s pretty clear when he wants milk, when he wants to be picked up and when he’s tired. He’s also become very good at arching his back and fighting when he does not want to get dressed/go in the car seat/ change his diaper. Logan’s favorite toy is a little plastic ball that rolls in a cup. His favorite dog is Buddy—although he’s not too discriminating, he loves all dogs. And his favorite activity is still jumping.

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