Saturday, September 24, 2011


After what seemed like an interminable heat wave (for Colorado), everybody's favorite time of year has finally arrived. We had about 10 straight weeks of 90deg-ish days, then suddenly the flip was switched and Fall was here. Three days ago I had frost on my windshield when I left for work. That's how quickly things change in the mountains.

The trees change just as fast. The Cottonwoods turn first around here, and we've been noticing random yellow leaves for a few weeks, meaning the aspems would not be far behind. I like to joke that we have the only lot in Jefferson County (CO) with no aspens, which means we have to go in search of yellow trees, like all the tourists from Kansas who are constantly driving their Buicks 15 mph on my mountain roads....

It was a little early for the reds, but we did find a few...

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