Friday, February 11, 2011

One Month

At one month, we're still figuring things out. Logan sleeps in his swing, which is fine by me. We all get some sleep this way. His digestive system is still developing. He makes a big production out of pooping-- everyone in the room knows when Logan poops. I'm trying to change my diet, cutting out dairy and chocolate and gassy vegetables (I'm amazed how many vegetables are on this list) to see if that helps. One thing he has not had trouble with is eating-- he had that figured out from his first few minutes of life. When he's done, he pulls away with the most satisfied smirk on his face (he doesn't really smile yet-- except in his sleep).

Mark went back to work at 5 weeks. I know we were lucky to have him home that long-- still, it was a little terrifying being left by myself that first day. We're starting to have our own routine, though, and I think we'll get along fine.

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