Monday, August 15, 2016

First day of school- Kindergarten and Pre-K

The last time Amelie smiled about school was before she started
Logan & Amelie are at the same school this year, a Montessori charter school in Golden. Its pretty nice having them in one location.  We can leave 15 minutes later in the morning and those 15 minutes mean we can sleep until 7am!

Logan is in Ms. Kristin's P1 class for kindergarten. Its his 3rd year in her class, so it was an easy transition back for him. On the first day of school, he brought in his half-finished counting chain booklet from last year, and picked up right where he left off. (First he tried to convince me to buy the  Montessori materials to have at home this summer, but they were hundreds of dollars so we decided to wait for school to start again.)

Amelie is in Ms. Capron's P2 class for her first year of pre-K. She's had a tough time adjusting to school. Whereas Logan is my easy-going, roll-with-it kid, Amelie seems to be the opposite.  She's also 6 months younger than Logan was when he started pre-K, so that probably doesn't help.   The first day, she just trailed Logan around the playground like a shadow, crying. For the first few weeks she wasn't eating, did not want to make any friends, sat by herself at lunch, and she developed a stutter from the anxiety of it all. For a while I thought we may have to pull her out and try again next year. I'm still not quite sure. She still cries at drop-off every morning, but they say it only lasts a couple minutes and then she's fine the rest of the day.  Plus Logan reports that she only needs one hug a day now instead of several so that's something.

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