Logan's school has an optional science fair and back in the fall when I was all motivated to participate in stuff, it seemed like a good idea. We looked at ideas online and chose a simple one where you put a gummy bear in water and see what happens. We did the experiment back in November and figured we had a ton of time before the fair in January. Then came the holidays, and Logan's birthday, and everything else and we found ourselves the night before the science fair running to Walgreens for a poster board and picture prints. It turns out Mark and I are pretty awesome at 5 year old's science fair projects though-- in the hour between dinner and the climbing gym, we whipped out a nice little display. The hardest part was cajoling and then threatening Logan to draw a picture of his gummy bear experiment and write out the title for his display or else he was getting sent to his room for the rest of the night. It all turned out well though... we've clearly kindled a love of science based on the picture below and Mark and I got top grades for our display. In case anyone's interested, gummy bears grow 50% after 1 day and their color leaches out into the water. Eventually after 4 days they fall apart.
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