Saturday, June 28, 2014

Amelie- 1 year

My baby is one! Its funny how each day can be excruciatingly slow but a year goes by so fast. A year ago yesterday I remember playing with Logan outside, and feeling kind of melancholy that his days as an only child and sole focus of our attention were over, that our lives were about to be irreversibly changed. And then we got Amelie and realized how lucky we were. She is a joy every day. Both she and Logan are. They're also whiny and clingy and demanding and exhausting every day. That's how it is at this age, I think. You are loved and wanted to the point of exhaustion... to the point that you might hide under your covers hoping for just 5 minutes alone. But I know someday the tables will turn and they will not want me anymore.  I know I should feel lucky for these years when I'm loved to the point of exhaustion.

At one, Amelie is an expert crawler, motoring all over the house.  She crawls as if on a mission, swiping things out of her way as she goes.  We have only 2 steps in our house, and the top of one of those steps is of course her favorite spot-- she has tumbled over it once already. She pulls herself up on everything, cruises around the furniture.  She likes to stand at the deck door, and on her changing table looking out the window.  She can see the neighbor's horses from there.  She loves the horses. She points at them to show us-- they are the first thing she looks for in the morning. She loves Logan's legos-- she takes a particular joy in pulling them out of the box and throwing them around the room one by one.  She also likes her picnic basket and wooden vegetable set, and loves to pull the magnets off the fridge.  She got her first tooth just a week before her first birthday. She's recently turned into quite the mama's girl.  She likes to flirt with new people, smiling and pointing at them, but then hiding her face in my shirt as soon as they smile back.

Amelie is 27 1/4" tall (5%), 17lb10oz (6%), and her head is 45.5cm around (60%).

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