Sunday, November 4, 2012

Maple Canyon

We headed to Maple Canyon in Utah for a 5 day climbing trip with Lee, Linda, and Dylan, our friends from Albuquerque, and Steve & Sam from Wyoming.  We rented a house, which made it much more of a vacation than our typical climbing trips where we usually stay at the cheapest roadside motel.  This place had a kitchen, a kids play area complete with new-to-Logan toys, a big backyard, and it was walking distance to the park.  Logan rode his bike there every day.  It was also serviced by the local baker, who make to order cinnamon rolls, cookies, and a chocolate cream pie and delivered them to our house.  I could get used to that.

We've never been city people and always seem to live out in the boonies, but being in town certainly has its advantages.  In addition to the park and the bakery delivery, we got trick or treaters!  Our driveway in Colorado is way too long and dark for any trick or treaters to come down, and I don't think we've ever actually been home for Halloween anyways.  So it was fun to get trick or treaters.  We also went down to the park for the trunk or treat, where people hand out candy out of the back of their car.  Logan expertly dug through every bowl of candy presented to him, carefully sifting through all the good chocolate bars to find the lollipops hidden in between.  Fortunately Mark bought way more candy than needed, so there was plenty of chocolate at home.

Logan and his pumpkin
It was a really scenic area with lots of fun climbing and hiking.With all the helpers around, I got in way more climbing than I usually do.  Even when it was just the 3 of us, the iPhone was a good babysitter for a couple routes. 

Mark climbing at Pipe Dream

Linda & Dylan building rock towers

Fall leaves

More fall leaves-- we were about  a week too late, so they were mostly on the ground, but it made for good crunching walks

Logan doing a big swing

Summiting a little rock tower. He was very proud of himself

Give me the camera!

Sheep traffic jam on the way to the crag

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