Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Odds and Ends

Logan's first football game-- the Evergreen-Conifer Mountain Bowl! Logan mostly liked the police car lights in the parking lot where cops were directing traffic, and the stadium lights. We made it part way through the third quarter, at which point Logan had dropped his coat behind the bleachers, lost both socks, and was more than ready to leave. Half a football game is about right for me, too.

Mark & Logan climbing at the North Gym at Shelf.

We got Wednesdays off for snow days 2 weeks in a row! Family ski trip around the yard.

Auntie Kenny's birthday with fun Halloween cupcakes.

Logan loved the tissue paper in her gifts.

Playing in the laundry basket at Kenny's house

Hanging out at the crag (the Monastery)

Luckily Daddy sent his route, because this pod can no longer contain standing Logan.

Testing out the new wagon

Playing with friends Ayla and Reilly:

Eating puffs

Ayla tackles Logan. I think she was after his sippy cup.

1 comment:

  1. I love "odds & ends" posts! So fun to see and Logan reminds me so much of Lucas!
