Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Uncle Mike comes to visit

Unfortunately I didn't actually get any pictures of Uncle Mike. But maybe you can just pretend this picture of Mark & Logan is Mike & Logan. Logan couldn't tell the difference! I remember this from when Lucas was little-- he couldn't tell Mike and Mark apart either. Its funny to me, because they're pretty obviously different to me... but apparently not to a one year old. This worked to our advantage, because Logan was happy to go off with Mike when he woke up at O dark thirty (Mike did too since he was on Eastern time), and Mark & I got to sleep in a couple mornings. Thank you Mike!

We spent five days climbing up at Sinks Canyon in Lander. It was a fun trip-- partly because of the good weather and the good company, but mostly because we upgraded to the Holiday Inn Express! A long, long time ago when we were young and hearty, we used to camp. That was a long time ago. Then, we upgraded to crappy roadside motels. Our Lander home was "the Maverick", one of those dingy cement block hotels with questionable shag carpet and a parking lot that caused flat tires. But for this trip, we went all out. Our Holiday Inn had indoor hallways! Clean white sheets! Plus free breakfast and an indoor pool. We spent many hours walking up and down the hallways finding all the exit signs (a favorite of Logan's), pushing elevator buttons, and climbing up and down the stairs. It was also right next to the Safeway, so we were within walking distance every time we needed more cookies. Ah, the luxury.

Me & Logan at the crag:

Logan playing with the buckles on the backpack. He LOVES buckles.

Getting his caffeine fix. No, we don't let Logan drink coke (well, I don't at least). But we did let him shake it up a bunch so it was extra fun for Mark to open.

A devilish look in his eye

Swimming with daddy at the hotel. Our past swimming attempts have not been met with great enthusiasm, but he really liked it this time. Unfortunately he also broke out in a rash this time.
Logan has a cowlick! I love it.

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