Thursday, August 28, 2014

Amelie- 14 months

At 14 months, Amelie is just starting to choose to walk more than crawl.  She is pulled towards stairs by some gravitational force and since the biggest set of stairs around here is out on the deck, that's where she always wants to be.  She likes to walk down and up, down and up, over and over again.

She understands most words, and her vocabulary includes more, milk, yes, mama, dada, dog.  She loves going outside, and always wants to find the horses. She loves pointing out dogs on our hikes-- she get's so excited.  Da, da, da!  She's inherited Auntie Kenny's animal-loving gene for sure.  Its only a matter of time before she convinces Daddy to buy her a pony.

She still has only 2 teeth.  It seems like she has been teething forever, and she has a terrible rash to prove it.

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