Thursday, October 11, 2012


At one and three quarters, Logan's favorite things are cars, trains, Buddy, Auntie Kenny, the park, and the iPhone.  He knows how to use the iPhone better than I do, and is always moving icons and changing the settings.  It has a new ring tone every time it rings, most recently a barking dog.  He's also started calling people.  I've tried putting it in airplane mode, but he quickly changes it back.  I gave him the phone for a little while to entertain him on our 6 hour drive back from Wyoming, and I think he made about 17 calls.  Usually he hangs up as soon as it starts ringing, but not always.  For a while he mostly called family like Kendall or Grandma, who were quite understanding, but recently he's started calling friends and acquaintenances.    I've discovered him having a conversation with someone a couple times. Obviously I should just not let him play with the phone, but it does get me a good 10 minutes of peace, so sometimes its hard to pass up.

Logan also likes looking at pictures of people.  He knows most of the names of the people in the Christmas cards on our fridge, even those he's never met.  He knows his colors (everything used to be blue, but he's figured out the other ones now).  As for numbers, all numbers are still 3.  That was always my favorite number too. 

Trains with Daddy
Driving with Buddy

Buddy is very patient.  Logan feeds him a lot... its a symbiotic relationship.

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