Sunday, August 30, 2015


First day of the second year of preschool. Logan is in the same class with Ms. Kristin again, so the first day was no big deal. He got to work right away and came home with a book he made about parts of the earth. We have about 50 parts of the.. books from last year. The second week he was excited to learn the 45 layout, which I had to google... turns out that's  counting to 9000 via the number beads/blocks.

Brother-sister love, while visiting Ginny.  They were showing off their new shades. Ginny likes our visits, though they tend to end with us rushing out the door after one scream too many from Ama.

Daddy & Ama at St. Mary's Glacier

One more, couldn't decide which I liked better.

Pigtails.  Turns out I can bribe her with chocolate to let me do her hair.

Auntie Kenny!
Mark & Logan at the summit of a mountain in Three Sisters

Cousin Brett came to visit! Ama hadn't quite warmed up to her yet.

I was there too.

Amelie loves moss. Loves to point it out in the yard and on our hikes. She also likes to point out cracks in the sidewalk/boardwalk around the lake and does not like to step on them.  Hates stepping on grates, too. I guess when you're that close to the ground, you notice those things more.
Our Oregon cousins visited!  Logan had a ball playing Minecraft and legos with Henry and Duncan (I guess his summer of Minecraft practice with Tori paid off).  Amelie even warmed up and played Go Away Monster with Dan & Jen. Here they are tracking dinosaurs at Dinosaur Ridge.

Logan & Amelie were to young, but Mark got to go rafting in Clear Creek with Dan, Jen, Henry, & Duncan. Sounds like it was pretty sick.

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