Friday, July 11, 2014

Logan- 3 1/2

At 3 1/2, Logan is very affectionate and cuddly-- he tells me he loves me at least ten times a day. He loves his sister, and is very nice to her.  He talks to her in a baby voice, pats her head. He says funny things like "That's a brilliant idea!", "I'm discouraged", and "of course" instead of yes.  He's quite a talker, except when it comes to me asking about his day.  If I ask him what he did today, all I get is "I don't know" or "I didn't watch TV all day" (which probably means he watched TV most of the day). He is a master negotiator when it comes to eating, picking up toys, and bedtime.  He goes to bed at 8pm but doesn't fall asleep until around 9 or 9:30, and the intervening hour is spent coming up with reasons to get out of bed.  "Mom I need water."  "Mom I need you to cover me with blankies." "Mom, I have a question." "Mom, can I just tell you something?" "Mom, we need to talk." "I just need a hug and a kiss."

He got potty trained three months after he turned three.  It seemed like an epic battle for those few months, and then one day he just decided to do it and it was done.  He loves to have races, and for a while he wanted everyone to be a winner.  Then Mark told him there could only be one winner, so then of course he wanted to be the winner and tell everyone else they were the loser.  Kenny taught him to say "Nice try" instead of "you're the loser!".  Good thing we have Kenny around, otherwise he might make a lot of enemies at preschool. He starts preschool next month.  I'm a little terrified.  He's been going to the same home daycare with just a few other kids his whole life.  He doesn't want to go to school. But I'm sure he'll do great. He's still shy, but these days he warms up in a few minutes instead of a few hours.

He loves trucks and planes and tools.  His favorite color is green. He can count to fourteen, and after that it goes awry.  "Thirteen, fourteen, sixteen, eleventeen..."He thinks that people that we fly to see-- like Grandma and Grandpa-- live in the sky. He's still figuring out time.  He thinks if he counts to ten, ten minutes have passed.  If he counts to 3, that means its 3pm and he can get up from his nap.  He doesn't really take a nap anymore, but we at least try to send him to his room for quiet time, mostly for our sanity.

He has a crush on a six year old girl named Alayna.  She's the daughter of a family friend-- her younger brother Jac is Logan's age.  We recently took them to the climbing gym together and Logan spent the whole time chasing Alayna around, wrestling with her on the crash pads, etc.  Alayna's mom reported that Logan asked Alayna to kiss him, but she would not because he was not her brother, so she gave him a hug instead.

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