Monday, June 16, 2014


We spent Father's Day weekend in Oregon for Bill & Rosie's wedding. We all packed into Karen & Marshall's house-- 1 family per room, 19 people in all. Karen & Marshall were smart enough to move out to their camping trailer parked in front. We got in lots of good family in  time. Logan LOVES his uncles, and poor Uncle Dan and Mike were probably worn out after that weekend.

The boys headed out for a bar golf bachelor party Saturday night, where they bar hopped to 10 different bars with a different drink at each.   They had a fun time... came home covered in glitter that lasted for days and gradually spread to the rest of the family.  We also did some hikes around Corvallis, made a trip to the Coast, went to a climbing gym in Portland that had a fun kids area with tunnels and slides, saw cousin Brett, and of course went to a fun country wedding. Some pictures from the weekend:

Billy got married!  Congratulations Bill and Rosie.

The whole family!  Its not very often we have everyone together.

The cousins

Bill & his groomsmen. .

Swings with Uncle Mike during the reception.  Logan had a ball racing around with his cousins and uncles.  Mom & Dad had a ball at the dessert buffet.  Everyone was happy:)

Amelie and Grandma

Line dancing with Daddy.  They tried for the bouquet during the bouquet toss but didn't catch it.  She's a little young for marriage anyways.

Dinner with cousins

Hike in the hills behind the house

Peeing with a view of Corvallis.  Logan takes every opportunity to pee outside. Like father like son.

We found a banana slug and spit bugs on our nature hike.

Legos with Uncle Dan.  Logan had been dreaming of these toys for months. Uncle Dan was a trooper.

Cousin Brett came down to see us! We snuck in a trip to American Dream and a fun game of Memory. Amelie was happy to see Brett, just not happy to be held... she's a Mommy's girl right now.

Logan in his cowboy hat at the rehearsal dinner.

We drove out to the Coast and got there at low tide to see all the creatures-- anemones, horseshoe crabs, starfish, and a million mussels.  I love the tidepools. It was rainy when we first got there, but the sun came out soon after.

Happy Father's Day!

Me & Amelie at the tidepools

Mark & Amelie at the beach. 

The Yaquina Head lighthouse near the tidepools

Logan was psyched to go to the beach... he only gets to go once or twice a year

We stopped for the traditional clam chowder at Mo's and a trip to the candy store in Newport.  Logan was pretty excited about his lollypop and his lego guy.

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